Codierte Kunst, by Joachim Wedekind (in German)
The Coding Book, by Virginia King, Lee Ryall and Invent the World
Computer Science with Snap!, by Eckart Modrow
The Beauty of Turtle Graphics, by Joachim Wedekind (in German and English)
Optische Täuschungen animieren für Dummies Junior. Eine Einführung mit Snap!, by Joachim Wedekind (in German)
Learn to Code Practice Book 3, by Claire Lotriet
Computer Science in K-12: An A-To-Z Handbook on Teaching Programming, by Shuchi Grover
An Introduction to Algorithmic Thinking - Algorithmics (HESS) Student Guide, by Georgia Gouros
Learning to Code – An Invitation to Computer Science Through the Art and Patterns of Nature (Snap! Edition), by David D. Thornburg
Let's Get Coding, by Philip Searle
Learn CS Concepts With Snap!, by Abhay B. Joshi
Practice CS Concepts with Snap!: A companion to "Learn CS Concepts with Snap", by Abhay B. Joshi
Pen art in Snap! programming, by Abhay B. Joshi
Adventures in Snap! Programming, by Abhay B. Joshi